I've had to cut them into 8 frame sections and then scan them into a graphics program to be tweaked and saved as individual jpg's. Then I record the sound (usually from cassette ot LP) into the computer.
Then using Adobe Premiere Pro I insert the sound file and line up the images to time with the beeps in the soundtrack.
Finally, burn the project to DVD. I'm going to run the DVD's onto videotape for LaRue to use in her class.
It's a fun project, but quite time intensive.
If I can, I'll put a small video clip online.
Liz has been working hard with her college classes. A couple of her classes require a lot of reading. But she recently got 90% on one of her exams. A couple of her classes are over the internet. One is a satellite feed from the main campus in Logan. And one alternates between the Vernal and Roosevelt campus.
Robin, Emily, Brighton and Kjerstine came to visit this last weekend.
I'll try to update with more later.
Thanks for the family news. But a massive WOW about the technical stuff you are doing. Gosh that's wonderful.
John, you are such a dear one to do all this for me and the staff and kids at our school. It is amazing what you've done. Thanks.
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