Saturday, March 24, 2012

Commander in Chief

Last summer when LaRue and I were in Portland we started watching this series on NetFlix:

We only had a chance to watch the first 2 or 3 episodes and really enjoyed it. Now we've started watching again from the beginning.

The program first aired in 2005 and was canceled in 2006 after only 18 episodes.

Wikipedia describes the series like this:
Commander in Chief is an American drama television series that focused on the fictional administration and family of Mackenzie Allen (Geena Davis), the first female President of the United States, who ascends to the role from the Vice Presidency after the death of the sitting President from a sudden cerebral aneurysm.

Geena Davis won a Golden Globe award for best actress for her role. And I think Donald Sutherland is great as the Speaker of the House who feels that he should have been chosen to step into the presidency instead of Mackenzie Allen.

If you have NetFlix I would recommend checking out Commander in Chief.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Quinley Blessing

This past weekend LaRue and I drove out to Roy for the Naming and Blessing of Quinley.

Here is KD with Emily. KD is wearing a dinosar necklace LaRue got for her and wearing a hair band that her aunt Florie got for her:

Quinley and LaRue:


Brighton playing with Legos in his bedroom:

Brighton with his cousin Aaron:

Josh and Robin getting ready for church:

Robin takes Quinley upstairs to get her dressed:

Quinley in her blessing outfit:

KD and her sister:

Quinley Birth

Quinley Alene Bailey was born February 3, 2012.

LaRue and I drove out to Roy the next day to visit everybody and meet Quinley.

This is a glass etching inside the facility where she was born:

Grandma and Quinley:

Grandpa holding Quinley:

Quinley being held on her soft blanket by Emily:

Flowers at the hospital:

Everybody wants to see Quinley when she arrives home:

Emily and Quinley:

The flowers at home:

Josh in his fancy box shoes:

KD and Josh draw some pictures for Quinley:

Chris and a Lego creation:

Time for John to show Robin and the kids how to make pretzels:

Josh is going to make a BIG one:

KD figures out the recipe:

Now Robin makes doughnuts:

Quinley and Mom:

We bought some special balloons for the kids. The balloons have colored LED's inside them.
The pictures are blurry because of the timed exposure:

At one point Robin and I took Chris and Josh to a nearby park:

Robin prepares to fly his RC plane:

Look closely. It's up there:

Finally, some bike riding: